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The Week Ahead-Top Economic Events impacting Currencies and Gold

Dollar Index:

As of October 16, 2023, several key events and factors are impacting the price of the US dollar (USD):

  1. Middle East Tensions: The escalating tensions in the Middle East, particularly between Israel and Hamas, have led to an increase in oil prices. This has resulted in the USD easing against other major currencies, such as the South African rand, which strengthened in early trade on Monday.

  1. Federal Reserve’s Interest Rate Outlook: Investors are keenly awaiting a speech by Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell for clues on the outlook for U.S. interest rates. Last week’s data showed that consumer prices increased more than expected in September, leading to speculation about potential rate hikes. However, markets are largely expecting the Fed to keep rates on hold when it announces its next monetary policy decision in November.

3.Global Economic Conditions: The IMF’s World Economic Outlook press briefing highlighted several risks to the global economy, including the potential for more volatile commodity prices due to climate and geopolitical shocks, and the risk of a sharp repricing of risk that could appreciate the US dollar further.

  1. Asian Central Banks’ Actions: Asian central banks have been defending their currencies against a strong U.S. dollar, leading to a decrease in their foreign exchange reserves. Despite their efforts, they have struggled to soothe market nerves or contain capital outflows.
  2. US Economic Data: Positive economic data from the United States has been fueling expectations that the Federal Reserve will keep interest rates higher for longer. This, in turn, has been supporting the value of the USD.
  3. Currency Interventions: Central banks in emerging markets, including the Reserve Bank of India, Bank Indonesia, and Bank of Thailand, have been intervening in the currency market to prevent excessive volatility and support their depreciating currencies against the USD.

In summary, the USD’s value is being influenced by a combination of geopolitical tensions, central bank policies, and global economic conditions. Investors and market participants are closely monitoring these factors to gauge the future direction of the USD.

Middle East Tensions: The escalating tensions in the Middle East, particularly between Israel and Hamas, have led to an increase in oil prices. This has resulted in the USD easing against other major currencies, such as the South African rand, which strengthened in early trade on Monday

Upcoming Events for the week:

1. UK Unemployment Rate (Aug) and Employment Change (Jul) (Oct 17, 2023):

  • Market Impact Criteria:
    • Labor Market Health: These reports provide insights into the UK labor market’s health and employment trends.
  • Impact on Currency Markets: A stable or improving labor market could support the GBP, potentially leading to GBP/USD appreciation if the data is positive.

2. US Retail Sales MoM (Sep) (Oct 17, 2023):

  • Market Impact Criteria:
    • Consumer Spending: Retail sales data reflects consumer spending, a vital component of the US economy.
  • Impact on Currency Markets: Higher-than-expected retail sales may strengthen the USD, potentially impacting GBP/USD.

3. ECB Guindos Speech (Oct 17, 2023):

  • Market Impact Criteria:
    • Monetary Policy Guidance: Speeches by ECB officials can provide insights into the European Central Bank’s monetary policy outlook.
  • Impact on Currency Markets: ECB commentary can influence the EUR, potentially impacting GBP/USD.

4. UK Inflation Rate YoY (Sep) and EUROZONE CPI (Sep) (Oct 18, 2023):

  • Market Impact Criteria:
    • Inflation Data: These reports reflect the inflation levels in the UK and Eurozone.
  • Impact on Currency Markets: Higher inflation figures might support the GBP and EUR, potentially impacting GBP/USD.

5. JAPAN Balance of Trade (Sep) (Oct 19, 2023):

  • Market Impact Criteria:
    • Trade Health: The trade balance reflects Japan’s trade performance and export/import dynamics.
  • Impact on Currency Markets: A significant change in the trade balance could impact the JPY and potentially affect GBP/JPY.

6. US Initial Jobless Claims (Oct/14) and Existing Home Sales (Sep) (Oct 19, 2023):

  • Market Impact Criteria:
    • Labor Market and Housing: These reports provide insights into the US labor market and housing sector.
  • Impact on Currency Markets: Stronger jobless claims data may support the USD, while housing data can influence consumer sentiment.

7. US Fed Chair Powell Speech (Oct 19, 2023):

  • Market Impact Criteria:
    • Monetary Policy Outlook: Speeches by the Fed Chair can offer guidance on US monetary policy.
  • Impact on Currency Markets: Fed Chair commentary can influence the USD, potentially impacting GBP/USD.

8. JAPAN Inflation Rate YoY (Sep) and UK Retail Sales MoM (Sep) (Oct 20, 2023):

  • Market Impact Criteria:
    • Inflation and Retail Sales: These reports reflect inflation and retail sales trends in Japan and the UK.
  • Impact on Currency Markets: Higher inflation or stronger retail sales figures may influence the JPY and GBP, potentially affecting GBP/JPY.

Traders and investors should closely monitor these events and assess their potential impacts on the GBP, USD, EUR, and JPY, as they can lead to significant movements in currency pairs. Factors like inflation, employment, and trade data are crucial in shaping market sentiment and exchange rates.

Central bank addresses always catch the market’s attention. Both ECB’s Guindos and the Fed’s Powell’s speeches can lead to substantial market movements. Any inclination towards hawkish stances might strengthen their respective currencies.

EUR USD Outlook:

The US retail sales MoM for September holds significant weight. If the actual data surpasses the consensus estimate of 0.30% growth, it could hint at a more resilient US consumer base, which would generally be bullish for the USD, potentially pressuring the EUR/USD rate downwards.

Inflation rates serve as essential barometers for central bank policy directions. If the UK’s actual inflation rate for September exceeds the forecasted 6.50%, it could apply upward pressure on the GBP due to expectations of tighter monetary policy. For the Eurozone, should the CPI for September exceed the anticipated 124.4, it might strengthen the EUR, considering the European Central Bank (ECB) might lean toward a tighter monetary stance in response.

In the US, if initial jobless claims for October come in below the consensus of 213K, it would underscore a healthier labor market, potentially boosting the USD. Similarly, if existing home sales for September surpass the expected 3.89M, it would reflect a resilient housing market, providing further support to the USD.

Lastly, speeches from central bank figures, such as the ECB’s Guindos and the Fed’s Powell, can significantly sway the market, depending on the content and tone of their remarks. While it’s hard to predict the exact content, any hint towards a hawkish stance can strengthen the respective currency, while dovish sentiments might weaken it.

In sum, deviations from the consensus in these critical data points can lead to volatility in the EUR/USD pair. Traders will be keenly watching these figures and central bank speeches to gauge the short-to-mid term direction of the pair.

Technical Snapshot:

Scenario 1: Bullish Movement

  • Potential upward movement to test 1.05867.
  • Further testing at 1.06099 if momentum persists.
  • Possible upward movement towards 1.06218 and 1.06505.
  • Continuation of the bullish trend could lead to 1.06700.
  • Additional bullish tests at 1.06889 and 1.07239.

Scenario 2: Bearish Movement

  • Possibility to decline and test 1.05102.
  • If bearishness persists, further tests at 1.05038 and 1.04821.
  • Deeper bearish moves might target 1.04510 and 1.04094.
  • 1.03173 identified as a major bearish support level.
  • A revisit to the previous week’s levels at 1.04975 is also possible.

Market Momentum & RSI

  • Short-term momentum: bearish.
  • RSI indicates an oversold zone, suggesting bearishness.
  • Decrease in momentum observed on the weekly timeframe.
GBP USD Outlook:

Beginning with labor market insights, the unemployment rate and employment change data from the UK will be crucial. If the actual unemployment rate for August remains steady at 4.30%, the GBP might remain relatively stable. However, if the employment change for July reflects a decline less severe than the anticipated -195K, it might offer support to the GBP, indicating a potentially recovering job market, giving the GBP an upward push against the USD.

Inflation, a critical gauge for central bank policy directions, is up next. If the UK’s inflation rate for September overshoots the projected 6.50%, it could provide an upward thrust to the GBP. An accelerated inflation rate might stir expectations of the Bank of England leaning toward a tighter monetary stance. Similarly, for the Eurozone, even though it doesn’t directly impact the GBP/USD pair, a CPI for September that goes beyond the expected 124.4 can influence overall European economic sentiment. A higher CPI might hint at the European Central Bank taking a hawkish stand, which could indirectly impact GBP dynamics given the close economic ties.

Central bank addresses always catch the market’s attention. Both ECB’s Guindos and the Fed’s Powell’s speeches can lead to substantial market movements. Any inclination towards hawkish stances might strengthen their respective currencies. Thus, traders and investors will be on high alert during Powell’s speech, as any hint of policy shifts or economic outlook could sway the GBP/USD pair.

To cap off, the GBP/USD rate’s direction in the wake of these events will be a blend of actual data deviations from forecasts and broader economic sentiment stemming from central bank communications. Market participants will be parsing through each data point and statement to decode potential currency movements.

GBP/USD Technical Snapshot:

Scenario 1: Bullish Movement

  • Potential upward movement to test 1.2203.
  • Further testing at 1.2240 if momentum persists.
  • Possible upward movement towards 1.2262, 1.2280, and 1.2303.
  • The topmost bullish target is located at 1.2348.

Scenario 2: Bearish Movement

  • Possibility to decline and test 1.2117.
  • If bearishness persists, further tests at 1.2107.
  • 1.2085 identified as a significant support level.
  • Deeper bearish moves might target 1.2037 and 1.2005.
  • 1.1920 identified as a major bearish support level.

Market Momentum & RSI

  • Short-term momentum: bearish.
  • RSI heading towards oversold territory: a potential for bearishness.
  • Although the trend is bearish, there might be a potential pullback to bullish sentiment.
USD/JPY Outlook:

The Fed Chair Powell’s speech will be of direct significance for the USD/JPY pair. Any hawkish undertones or hints at policy tightening could lend support to the USD, pushing the USD/JPY pair higher.

Shifting the lens to trade balances, Japan’s balance of trade for September is expected to spotlight. A deficit exceeding the predicted -¥425B could spell concerns over Japan’s economic health, potentially weakening the JPY. This, in tandem with a robust US economic figure, could drive the USD/JPY pair upwards.

On the US labor market’s front, initial jobless claims offer a quick pulse of employment health. Should the claims for October be lower than the expected 213K, it would signal strength in the US job sector, offering a bullish push for the USD. Similarly, an existing home sales figure surpassing the anticipated 3.89M for September could highlight a buoyant housing market, adding further tailwinds to the USD’s strength.

Inflation metrics always remain at the forefront for traders. Japan’s inflation rate for September, if it exceeds the 3.10% mark, could signal growing economic pressures, potentially supporting the JPY as the Bank of Japan might lean towards a more hawkish stance. Conversely, if the rate falls short, it could weaken the JPY, especially if coupled with strong US economic data.

USD/JPY Technical Snapshot

Scenario 1: Bearish Movement

  • Potential downward movement to test 148.913.
  • Further testing at the 61.8% Fibonacci level at 148.719.
  • Possible downward movement towards 148.450 and 148.309.
  • 148.112 identified as the most critical support level.

Scenario 2: Bullish Movement

  • Potential upward movement to test 149.650.
  • If bullish momentum persists, further tests at 149.824 and 150.160.
  • Possible bullish continuation towards 150.50.

Market Momentum & RSI

  • Short-term momentum: potential bearishness.
  • RSI is in the overbought zone: suggests a potential retracement.
  • Long-term momentum remains bullish.
XAU/USD Outlook:

Firstly, peering into the US landscape, the retail sales MoM for September presents an important metric. If actual numbers exceed the consensus estimate of 0.30%, indicating resilient US consumer behavior, we could see a strengthened USD. This, in return, might apply downward pressure on the XAU/USD pair, as gold tends to weaken when the dollar gains.

Turning our attention to inflationary trends, the UK’s inflation rate YoY for September and the Eurozone’s CPI for the same month come into focus. Historically, elevated inflation rates have made gold an attractive hedge. If the UK’s inflation surpasses the anticipated 6.50% or if the Eurozone’s CPI exceeds 124.4, there could be a surge in gold’s appeal, providing an upward thrust to the XAU/USD pair.

Back to the US, initial jobless claims provide a quick snapshot of the nation’s employment health. Numbers below the forecasted 213K would insinuate a robust job market, potentially strengthening the USD and weighing down on the XAU/USD pair. In tandem, September’s existing home sales data, if surpassing the expected 3.89M, could further buoy the USD, exerting more downward pressure on gold prices.

Central bank communications invariably sway market sentiments. Thus, the forthcoming Fed Chair Powell speech is pivotal. Should there be hawkish hints or indications of policy tightening, the USD might find itself on a firmer footing, causing the XAU/USD pair to retract.

Lastly, gold’s appeal often heightens amidst global economic uncertainties especially the on ongoing Middle East Crisis.

Gold Price Technical Snapshot:

Scenario 1: Bullish Movement

  • Potential upward movement to test 1924.
  • Further testing at 1933 if momentum persists.
  • Possible upward movement towards 1947.
  • 1960 identified as an important bullish target.

Scenario 2: Bearish Movement

  • Potential downward movement to test 1908.
  • If bearishness persists, further tests at 1900, which acts as a major support level.
  • Possible bearish continuation towards 1892 and 1874.

Market Momentum & RSI

  • Short-term momentum: potential bearishness.
  • RSI indicates an undecided zone: suggesting a lack of clear directional bias.
  • Long-term trend remains biased towards bullishness, but the current sentiment leans bearish with potential for the price to be in range.
Gold tends to weaken when the dollar gains.. If actual numbers exceed the consensus estimate of 0.30%, indicating resilient US consumer behavior, we could see a strengthened USD. This, in return, might apply downward pressure on the XAU/USD pair.
Volatility Considerations:

1. Geopolitical Events and Tensions: Geopolitical events, particularly the ongoing Middle East tensions mentioned in the article, can have a significant impact on currency and gold markets. Escalating conflicts and uncertainty in geopolitics can lead to sudden and sharp movements in exchange rates and gold prices. Traders should closely monitor developments in regions of geopolitical concern, as they can trigger volatility.

2. Central Bank Communications:Speeches and statements from central bank officials, such as the ECB’s Guindos and the Fed’s Powell, can introduce volatility to the markets. Any hints of changes in monetary policy, whether towards a hawkish or dovish stance, can lead to rapid currency fluctuations. Traders should pay attention to central bank communications for insights into future policy directions.

3. Economic Data Releases: Economic data releases, such as employment figures, inflation rates, and retail sales, can significantly impact currency and gold markets. Deviations from expectations in these economic indicators can cause market volatility as they provide insights into the health of the respective economies. Traders should be prepared for market reactions to unexpected data outcomes.

4. Commodity Prices and Market Sentiment: Commodity prices, especially oil prices, can influence both currency and gold markets. As mentioned in the article, higher oil prices can affect the value of the US dollar and gold. Additionally, overall market sentiment, driven by factors like risk appetite and global economic conditions, can contribute to volatility. Traders should consider how changes in commodity prices and market sentiment can impact their trading strategies.

Disclaimer: This is not an Investment Advice. Investing and trading in currencies involve inherent risks. It’s essential to conduct thorough research and consider your risk tolerance before engaging in any financial activities.